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We’re committed to making the world a place that is considerate of everyone’s needs. This means doing everything we can to become more planet-friendly. The first step is reviewing where we’re at right now, by measuring:

  • Our greenhouse gas emissions from the global value chain.

  • Importance of water risk management in our supply chain.

  • Effective control of hazardous chemicals in our products and processes.


We are actively working to comprehend the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the Triumph value chain, with a specific focus on reducing carbon emissions. To achieve this, we have identified and classified our GHG emissions into three scopes:

  • Scope 1 emissions encompass the controlled sources arising from our production centers and warehouse operations.
  • Scope 2 emissions arise from the energy purchased to operate our production centers, distribution centers, offices, and retail
  • stores.Scope 3 emissions are associated with our purchased raw materials, logistics, and the operations of our suppliers.

We have a comprehensive understanding of the water risk zones within our supply chain, and we actively collaborate with our business partners to enhance their water conservation efficiency. This is achieved by implementing water recycling opportunities and closely monitoring their impact.

Hazardous Chemicals Management

To safeguard the health of our customers from hazardous chemicals we have adopted a strict chemical management program to restrict usage of harmful chemicals in our supply chain. We have implemented ‘Restricted Substances Policy’ and tested the garments the presence of restricted substances. Further we ensure our material and finished goods suppliers mandatorily abide to it and reduce the impact of chemicals in our value chain.

As an RSL is a list of hazardous chemicals that their presence is restricted below a stipulated threshold in finished textile products, we aim to reduce or eliminate the usage of the restricted chemicals in the production of raw materials and finished textile products. This will also help prevent the discharge of hazardous chemicals into the wastewater stream.


We follow the environmental 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) whenever possible in our own facilities as well as in our supply chain.

  • Reduce – cut down the resources used

  • Reuse – use the same resources again

  • Recycle – use the resources itself as resources


We are constantly seeking improved solutions in all aspects of our operations.

  • We have ceased delivering online orders in plastic polybags, marking a significant step towards eliminating plastic usage.
  • We are actively reusing hangers whenever possible and transitioning to hangers made from recycled plastic materials.
  • We are launching a reuse and recycle program in stores across select markets. For more information, please visit Together We Grow.

We are dedicated to optimizing water consumption in our operations by implementing appropriate technologies and driving behavioral changes among our employees through awareness programs. To enhance water resource utilization efficiency, we have implemented the following measures:

  • Conducting water audits to identify areas for improvement.
  • Installing water-efficient fixtures to minimize water usage.
  • Recycling treated wastewater to create green areas surrounding our production centers.
  • Replenishing the utility cooling water system to ensure sustainable water utilization